I posted awhile back about a time that our POCO had a 69kv line drop down on a 7200 volt line and surged a large area of homes with about 950 volts for over 15 seconds, (had a recorder running) we were flooded with service calls with everything from fires to GFCI, smoke detectors, garage door openers, you name it damaged, the fires were cause from the MOV's in surge strips burning up, but houses that had at least tow or more surge strips each on both legs of the service would trip the main, and most of these received no damage to their electronics, my trailer had both breakers open, but I didn't loose any electronics, but then I have and had at the time many surge control systems in place, five triplet 1600 watt line conditioners/voltage regulators, and TVSS strips all over the trailer, which are now here in my house.
It took the fact of having the paper recorder chart I had running and a few lawyers to make the utility to admit what had happened, oh and this happened twice, about two years later it happened again, the first time was something about an insulator failed that cause the line to drop, the second time it was blamed on lightning and was ruled an act of God.
Trust me the POCO will not be forthright in a case like this.