NASCLA Exam Help

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Control systems engineer
I'm studying for the NASCLA commercial electrical contractor exam and am looking through the topics of the test and can't find any information on typical questions for the "General Equipment Use" part of the test. It has 13 questions for the topic so it would be nice to know what a typical question could be. Can anyone help me?
So SC has started accepting NASCLA exams now?
I knew they did with GC but not electrical
It's now required for the unlimited. They still have their own too.
Ok. They must have changed over the years. When I took mine there was only one test for the electrical contractor, your limitations were based on finances.
Ohh finances are still limiting factors you either have to show enough wealth or purchase a large enough bond to qualify.
I hate to say this but I seriously doubt anyone on here has taken the NASCLA electrical exam as it’s so new and is still being evaluated by many states. So for a sample question you’re probably out of luck.
Im sure we could make up a question equipment for general use…
You still have to take the business exam for SC, and in reality unless your trying to get multi-state licensed, why not just take the exam for the state your working in?

Quick google search…
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