National Electrical Safety Month - 2015

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National Electrical Safety Month

What is National Electrical Safety Month?

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety in the home, school, and workplace. To commemorate National Electrical Safety Month, ESFI spearheads an annual campaign to educate key audiences about the steps that can be taken in order to reduce the number of electrically-related fires, fatalities, injuries, and property loss. ESFI's National Electrical Safety Month 2015 campaign features a comprehensive collection of new and updated resources to help facilitate an effective electrical safety awareness campaign for your community, organization, school, or family. Included is an extensive collection of useful fact sheets and related safety tips, plus templates and tools you can use to promote electrical safety and National Electrical Safety Month in your home, school, community, or workplace. We have even provided media outreach materials and social media content to further spread our life-saving campaign messages.

Raising awareness about electrical hazards is the key to reducing home electrical fires, injuries and death, which is why we developed ESFI's 2015 National Electrical Safety Month Electrical Safety Advocate Guide. Together, we can reduce the number of electrically-related deaths and injuries ? one home, one school, and one workplace at a time.

National Electrical Safety Month 2015 Campaign Overview

In celebration of Electrical Safety Month 2015, ESFI is excited to announce the launch of the second edition of its National Electrical Safety Month publication, Electrical Safety Illustrated. This year's theme is That Old House, This New Update. This magazine will inform readers about common hazards posed by America's aging housing stock and features a variety of updates that can be made to all homes.

Included in the magazine are a number of topics that address home safety that will allow the public to determine the safety of their own homes. We encourage you to visit our website,, to learn more. We also invite you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube to stay abreast of emerging electrical safety concerns and receive reminders about how you can protect yourself.
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