NC License Exam

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
A former coworker is preparing to take his license exam I told him what a former boss told me, to do it in 3 steps. First, answer all questions you know without a doubt; the stuff you do every day, etched in memory. Second, all questions needing a look at the charts; box fill, conduit fill, etc. Third, the odd stuff requiring multiple readings of several chapters; the brain frazzlers that ruin you for anything else. I strayed from that method on my first test & ran out of time. I stuck with it 2nd time & had time to spare
I also told him to be very careful of conduit fill charts. They are clearly marked only on the first page of each one. Too easy to flip through & land on a PVC chart when looking for EMT or RMC.
Our test was 6 hours/100 questions both times I did it. Sounds like plenty of time but it goes fast & the clock doesn’t stop for lunch or rest room breaks.

My son will be taking it in asheville, nc on feb 25, I think... I have been tutoring him thru zoom... I just told him to leave the ones alone that you are not certain where to find things. He finds things faster than I can sometimes.... I think he'll do fine.

I would also recommend some trial tests where he can test himself. I have some questions from the 2011 that are timed. They give 75 minutes for 25 questions which amounts to 6 hrs for 100 questions. My son did 20 before he had to go in 30 minutes so time shouldn't be an issue.

I also recommend not looking up the ones you are pretty certain of the answer but mark them and go back, if there is time, to check them.
My son will be taking it in asheville, nc on feb 25, I think... I have been tutoring him thru zoom... I just told him to leave the ones alone that you are not certain where to find things. He finds things faster than I can sometimes.... I think he'll do fine.

I would also recommend some trial tests where he can test himself. I have some questions from the 2011 that are timed. They give 75 minutes for 25 questions which amounts to 6 hrs for 100 questions. My son did 20 before he had to go in 30 minutes so time shouldn't be an issue.

I also recommend not looking up the ones you are pretty certain of the answer but mark them and go back, if there is time, to check them.
I can’t recall the ones that stumped me so badly, something about fuse types under odd circumstances, something I had never heard of. Also a few general business questions. I didn’t think they should include those as their test booklets didn’t have them. We should learn business procedures but not in a technical type exam.
I used to be open book, but you had to use their book, their calculator, their paper and their pencil.

Now you can highlight, tab, and write notes in the book if you want and you bring your own book.

I didn’t think the business stuff in the NC was very difficult, the electrical was tough.
SC electrical was straight lookup out of the book, and they had a separate business part that I thought was difficult until I took the AZ business.
I used to be open book, but you had to use their book, their calculator, their paper and their pencil.

Now you can highlight, tab, and write notes in the book if you want and you bring your own book.

I didn’t think the business stuff in the NC was very difficult, the electrical was tough.
SC electrical was straight lookup out of the book, and they had a separate business part that I thought was difficult until I took the AZ business.
First I’ve heard that you can now bring your own book. That’s good.
As a general test taking principle, I agree with skipping the harder problems first and then going back to them later. But make sure on multiple-choice tests that you're always matching your answers to the corresponding question (i.e., answer #1 to question #1, etc.). During one test long ago I skipped a question but continued filling out my answers in the next open space for several of the questions. Fortunately I realized my mistake and then erased and moved down each misplaced answer one space. After that happened I made sure I never did it again on subsequent tests.
I think this issue might only occur if there's a separate sheet for your answers. If you answer directly below each question then there will be no opportunity for a mix-up.
I took the exam 2 years ago, I agree with answering the ones you know first. I will add that knowing how to navigate the code book is a key component when looking for the ones you don’t know. ( having a general idea of what each articles refer to and the subparts.) table of content is the best way to search for something. Also having the osha book, the labor laws and being familiar with them.

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First I’ve heard that you can now bring your own book. That’s good.

That is correct and you can also have notes in the margin as long as they are written in ink.... They are trying to make it a bit easier because we have a shortage of licensed guys.... They also lowered the pass score to 70 from 75.
That is correct and you can also have notes in the margin as long as they are written in ink.... They are trying to make it a bit easier because we have a shortage of licensed guys.... They also lowered the pass score to 70 from 75.
The guy I know is about 26 I think and very smart. I’ve met 10-15 other younger guys the past year or 2 that are impressive too. They have what it takes to keep the trade alive if the frustrations don’t wear them down.
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