Neatness matters

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peter d

Senior Member
New England
One of my pet peeves are messy electricians (and mess in general for that matter.) I hate messy vans, trucks and shops.

Whenever I see an electrician that drives a truck that looks like an electrical landfill in the back, I have to assume that they don't do very good work.

Yes, I realize that I am a harsh judge in this respect (and there are exceptions that are few and far between of course) but most of the time the "messy truck = sloppy work" principle holds true.

I don't buy the "We are too busy to clean" argument either. Part of this job is keeping your vehicles and shop well organized and stocked, even if it means a few times a month, you take a Saturday morning to clean the trucks and get rid of the junk in the shop.
Re: Neatness matters

Yep I must agree, every friday last thing on the list is always clean the truck, fix anything that broke, empty the trash and so on.Monday always seems a little brighter when my "mobile office" is all neat and tidy. Drop cloth,shopvac,spray cleaner all reside in the back of my truck. Always try try to leave your jobsite a little bit neater than you found it! This was a lesson that I learned from my first boss and it has stuck with me ever since
Re: Neatness matters

Completely correct Peter. I just posted on another thread saying the exact same thing. Particularly in residential where the person paying the bill is usually there to see you working throughout the day. Among the drop cloths, broom, vacuum, garbage bags, and stuff, I have an eight foot long "Red Carpet" I roll out at the door I will be using. Talk about making a first impression. People love it and usually comment about most guys won't even wipe their feet let alone bring their own rug to wipe them on. One plumber I work with thinks nothing of tossing his stuff on the new hardwood floors and granite counter tops while his guy toss their cigarette butts in the homeowners driveway. Not to mention the crap that falls out of his truck when they open the doors. Absolute pigs and it shows in their work. :roll:
Re: Neatness matters

I posted this on another thread:

I don't agree that a messy personal vehicle or even work truck means they do poor work. Work quality has nothing to do with organizational skills. My wife will agree that I am not the neatest of people, but when it comes to my work I am a perfectionist.

My wife has seen my job sites and doesn't understand why I cant keep the house clean when my work is so neat, I reply with "Well that's why I married you!"

I make it a point every Friday or Saturday to clean out my work truck. During the week I am to busy running around taking care of business to keep the truck neat, so on the weekend I get back in order and start fresh on Monday.

Just my 2 cents, Steve
Re: Neatness matters

We have two threads that are covering exactly the same thing. The other thread is here and I am closing the shorter of the two. If anyone disagrees with me, send me a PM and I will open this thread up again. :D
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