I am helping my brother in NE and I work in NV. In NV we typically use a meter combo panel and bond everything in the main breaker panel not in the power company side. My brothers set up has an underground coming into just a meter socket without a breaker then EMT to the main breaker panel with 2 hits and the neutral. His panel had an isolated neutral bar with the neutrals and the EGC’s. The meter socket is bonded from the case to the service side neutral and the load side neutral. My brother only wants to change the interior main breaker panel not the whole setup. I am a little confused where the main bond needs to be. Because if I bond it in the main breaker panel the it will use the EMT and the neutral back to the source, which breaks code 250.6 I believe it is. I don’t have my code book with me and the power company guy wasn’t much help on where the bond goes.