Nec 110

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New member
I was recently told i could not put a cellular booster and cable in a closhet housing electrical according to article 110.26. When I read this article I do not see that stipulation. Is this true or am I just not seeing the
information clearly? I have asked inspectors and they say they know of no such code restricting low and high voltage using the same closet as long as the required clearances are observed.

thanks for any help
Section 110.26 does not restrict the types of electrical equipment and materials that can be in one room or space. Nor does any other section in Article 110. As indicated by you, as long as you fllow the applicable sections for the wiring and equipment of each system, there is no issue.
Ask whoever told you, to show you the verbage in writing. Urban legend grows in leaps and bounds when it goes uncontested. BPH has it right from the get go. The only part I see that indictes anything about voltage is 110.26(1)(b) and that is physical.
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