nec 2005 215.2 Feeders

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Senior Member
SW Florida
The subject of FEEDERS came up in a pool bonding thread and got me reading. Art 215.2 (A) (1)

"The size of the feeder circuit grounded conductor shall not be smaller than that required by 250.122, except that 250.122(F) shall not apply where grounded conductors are run in parallel."

Art 250 deals with Grounding. I spent 1/2 my young adult life understanding the differance between grounded and grounding conductors. Is this a typo? or more of the NEC that I do not understand?

There is more intesting reading in part (A) (1) and (2) if you take the time to read it.
I am perplexed as well!

more of the NEC that I do not understand?

You are correct. If we are not already confused by the terms ungrounded, grounded, and grounding - now we are directed to use the tables for grounding conductors as the minimum size for the grounded conductor and its in the article entitled grounding and bonding! If it was easy, anybody could be an electrician!
What I have gleened from this is the neutral must not be smaller than the equipment grounding conductor and just wonder why they just didn't word it that way. The hand book takes up 1/2 page to explain it.
Let me put in my 2 cents and take a crack at it. The way I interpret this code is as follows: The grounded conductor for feeders can be sized according to Table 250.122, that I think we can all agree on, now I believe the confusion comes from the paralleling. IMO 250.122 can't be used for paralleling because of the specific rules for paralleling, as specified in 310.4. For example the minimum size of 1/0 for each conductor (ungrounded and grounded), as well as the fact that conductors must be the same size in each of the paralleled raceways.
As far as art. 250 goes, there are lots of articles incorporating things that don't really seem to fit, however I don't think 250 applies considering the grounded and grounding conductors are bonded together, in my opinion.
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