nec 2008 on CD

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I would like to hear from all whom my have purchase a copy of the
new 2008 NEC electrical code on CD-ROM.

What if anything do you like over this, compare to the hardbook

Many thanks to all who will take the time to reply to this thread.

I personal own the soft cover edition.
I can do this by clicking, no typing. I hate typing.

647.5 Three-Phase Systems.

Where 3-phase power is supplied, a separately derived 6-phase ?wye? system with 60 volts to ground installed under this article shall be configured as three separately derived 120-volt single-phase systems having a combined total of no more than six disconnects.
I have the 2008 NECHB on CD.

Is it possible to copy and then paste to Word with the formatting?

I did it today and the formatting was lost.
I had to reformat all of the text to match.
I have both. One soft cover and one for the computer. As a plan reviewer and inspector I need both. I love the search function and the copy and paste for reports. The soft cover is in my truck most of the time since a computer on the jobsites is not practical.
I know I've posted this before, but I'll try to do it again:

Here's what the first screen on the '08 NEC looks like:


You can see the Chapters on the left, and if you click on one, it expands:


Click on an article:


Choose a section:

You can also search for a specific section:


Or search for a word or phrase:


All instances of that word or phrase are listed on the left, so you can easily narrow down what chapter/article/section you're looking for:

You can also Bookmark and Hightlight what you want to:


Here, I bookmarked and highlighted the requirement for luminaire disconnects:



You have your choice of 4 hightlight colors:



Just choose a color, and then apply it to the text to hightlight it:



One thing I don't have images of is the ability of the screen to maintain the headers of Tables at the top of the screen. For instance, if you were to view T310.16, as you scroll down to the bottom of the table, the header will stay at the top so you don't have to scroll up and down.
I get the soft cover NEC for the dash of the truck.

I get the CD version of the Handbook for the desk. Included in the disk (you have to look for it) is a PDF of the NEC (not the Handbook, just the NEC). That I put in the smart phone.
I remember being told that the '08 wasn't cut'n'paste-able. Or is that just the on-line version?

You were told wrong.

210.70 Lighting Outlets Required.
(A) Dwelling Units
(2) Additional Locations.
(c) Where one or more lighting outlet(s) are installed for interior stairways, there shall be a wall switch at each floor level, and landing level that includes an entryway, to control the lighting outlet(s) where the stairway between floor levels has six risers or more.
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