NEC 2011 - 695.4(B)(3)(b) Disconnecting Means on a generator

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Senior Member
(b) Features and Location ? On-Site Standby Generator.
The disconnecting means for an on-site standby
generator(s) used as the alternate power source shall be
installed in accordance with 700.10(B)(5) for emergency
circuits and shall be lockable in the closed position.

Does this mean a disconnecting means for a fire pump can be located in the same enclosure or vertical switchboard section that supplies the emergency loads (700)?

Or Does it simply say it has to follow the requirement of 700.10(B)(5), which means the fire pump disc has to be totally separated from any other loads (700, 701, and 702)?
Here is the HB commentary FWIW.

A disconnecting means supplied by an on-site standby generator
is permitted to be installed in equipment that supplies
other loads. However, the requirements of 700.10(B)(5)
must be followed. The effect of this requirement is that a fire
pump feeder cannot be supplied from equipment in which
the fire pump conductors are installed in the same enclosure
or vertical switchboard section with conductors supplying
loads that are designated or classed as legally required
standby (Article 701) or optional standby (Article 702)
loads. To help minimize inadvertent opening of the fire
pump circuit, the disconnecting means is required to be capable
of being locked in the closed (on) position.
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