NEC 2017 and 2020 705.12 - daily changes?

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Engr & solar design
I use the NFPA "Free Access" as a convenient online NEC reference. But the code I read today is not the same as yesterday.

I'm considering a feeder connection for a PV connection, and CA just adopted NEC 2017 this year. So studying this online a week ago I noticed the wording had changed slightly since the 2014 code on the location of an OCPD with respect to the PV connection... In 2014 it said "on" the load side, but in 2017 and 2020 in 705.12(B)(1)(b) it says "at". OK... that's quite a bit more restrictive. But yesterday, 2017 and 2020 say "or" again and it's in 705.12(B)(2)(1)(b). Huh?? And today, 2020 is back to "at" in (B)(1)(b) while 2017 remains at "or" in (B)(2)(1)(b). So both structure and content are changing.

Does anyone have an NPFA contact? I suspect this is an IT issue, with older versions of since revised versions of codes left on public-accessible servers.

I took screen-shot images of the issue, and they are shown below, redacted In respect of copyright.

Image 1: 2020 code yesterday
Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 4.37.19 PM copy 2.png
Image 2: 2020 code today - notice "feeders" is bold... its directly under (B)
Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 9.42.26 AM copy.png
Image 3: 2017 code today
Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 10.12.04 AM copy.png
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Ahhh... It appears that in Image 1, above, we are actually seeing the 2017 code, though it says 2020 in the banner. Image 3 looks identical but says 2017. I was alternately viewing both codes, and I think the best explanation is that the free-access viewer changed its header to "Free Access to: 2020...", but didn't change the code I was viewing. That's an issue, but much better than corrupted files versions, and you are much less likely to have the problem.

I've forwarded this issue to the NFPA Webmaster.

Oops... they just refused my email as "unauthenticated". Guess you've gotta be a paying member.
So I'm done.
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