NEC 2017 Article 210.12 AFCI

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have dormitory situation where circuit is feeding hallway lights of dorm units and that same circuit is feeding the living room of dorm units. Lets call this circuit A.

Light switch for living room is located in living room of each units. Not sure if their is any switch at all for hallway

Their is emergency lights in the hallway that is feed from circuit A but it is ahead of any local
disconnect or switches.

My question is would NEC 2017 Article
210.12 AFCI circuit breaker apply to Circuit A? Only concern is emergency light is also fed from same circuit and so are normal lights
I have dormitory situation where circuit is feeding hallway lights of dorm units and that same circuit is feeding the living room of dorm units. Lets call this circuit A.

Light switch for living room is located in living room of each units. Not sure if their is any switch at all for hallway

Their is emergency lights in the hallway that is feed from circuit A but it is ahead of any local
disconnect or switches.

My question is would NEC 2017 Article
210.12 AFCI circuit breaker apply to Circuit A? Only concern is emergency light is also fed from same circuit and so are normal lights
The rule in 210.12(B) is very clear. The circuit feeds outlets in the dorm unit and requires AFCI protection. Whatever else that circuit may feed does not change anything.
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