NEC 2017 - Outlet along 24 ft sliding door

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Hi there !
I am a little bit confused regarding the 12 ft requirement between outlets in residential. in the case of 24 ft sliding door.
This door has 6 panels with one fixed.. I know that a fixed panel is counted as a wall line.
So , should it be any outlet along the other 5 sliding panels.?

NEC 2017 article 210.52 (A) gets me confused in this respect..
I would appreciate any help.

Thank you in advance.
Hi there !
I am a little bit confused regarding the 12 ft requirement between outlets in residential. in the case of 24 ft sliding door.
This door has 6 panels with one fixed.. I know that a fixed panel is counted as a wall line.
So , should it be any outlet along the other 5 sliding panels.?
No, no receptacles required for the sliding panels. You just need enough receptacles so that no point along the wall line of the fixed panel is more than 6' from a receptacle.

With 6 panels and 24' total, each panel is about 4'. So if your fixed panel is at one end, you can rely on a receptacle in the adjoining wall that is close enough to the far end of the fixed panel. But if the fixed panel any of the middle 4, you'll need a floor receptacle.

Cheers, Wayne
No, no receptacles required for the sliding panels. You just need enough receptacles so that no point along the wall line of the fixed panel is more than 6' from a receptacle.

With 6 panels and 24' total, each panel is about 4'. So if your fixed panel is at one end, you can rely on a receptacle in the adjoining wall that is close enough to the far end of the fixed panel. But if the fixed panel any of the middle 4, you'll need a floor receptacle.

Cheers, Wayne
Thank you so much for your clarification !!!
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