NEC 2017 Section 225.36

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have outside feeder feeding building A. Right where conductors enter Building A would fused disconnect with fuses in it comply as disconnect per NEC 2017 Section 225.36 or not?
I have outside feeder feeding building A. Right where conductors enter Building A would fused disconnect with fuses in it comply as disconnect per NEC 2017 Section 225.36 or not?
Don’t have a 2017 on me. Can you post what 225.36 says?
Don’t have a 2017 on me. Can you post what 225.36 says?
In the 2014:

225.36 Type. The disconnecting means specified in 225.31
shall be comprised of a circuit breaker, molded case switch,
general-use switch, snap switch, or other approved means.
Where applied in accordance with 250.32(B), Exception
No. 1, the disconnecting means shall be suitable for use as
service equipment.

225.31 Disconnecting Means. Means shall be provided
for disconnecting all ungrounded conductors that supply or
pass through the building or structure.
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