NEC 2020 210.23

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Shouldn’t 210.23 (C) be modified to include EV charging units??

(C) 40- and 50-Ampere Branch Circuits.

A 40- or 50-ampere branch circuit shall be permitted to supply cooking appliances that are fastened in place in any occupancy. In other than dwelling units, such circuits shall be permitted to supply fixed lighting units with heavy-duty lampholders, infrared heating units, or other utilization equipment.
I guess I can answer my own question:

This Code is divided into the introduction and nine chapters, as shown in Figure 90.3. Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 apply generally. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 apply to special occupancies, special equipment, or other special conditions and may supplement or modify the requirements in Chapters 1 through 7.

Therefore ; 625.40 may supplement or modify requirements of 210.23(C)
I figure with the EV becoming more commonplace that it should deserve recognition in 210.23(C) for dwelling in the 2023 NEC. Just my opinion.

625.40 Electric Vehicle Branch Circuit.

Each outlet installed for the purpose of charging electric vehicles shall be supplied by an individual branch circuit. Each circuit shall have no other outlets.
On further thought, not all EV chargers are 40 or 50 amp rated. Most are rated for 40 or 50, but adding a provision in 210.23(C) would be trumped by:

625.41 Overcurrent Protection.

Overcurrent protection for feeders and branch circuits supplying EVSE, including bidirectional EVSE, and WPTE shall be sized for continuous duty and shall have a rating of not less than 125 percent of the maximum load of the equipment. Where noncontinuous loads are supplied from the same feeder, the overcurrent device shall have a rating of not less than the sum of the noncontinuous loads plus 125 percent of the continuous loads
The system will be open for the submission of Public Inputs (change proposals) for the 2026 code sometime this fall. You can submit a proposed change then.
Shouldn’t 210.23 (C) be modified to include EV charging units??
The title of 210.23 is "Permissible Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits." So it does not apply to Individual Branch Circuits that supply only one piece of equipment, e.g. a typical EVSE install.

However, there are EVSEs that can be installed on a common branch circuit and individually use the full branch circuit capacity, while communicating with each other to limit the combined load also to the branch circuit capacity. 210.23(C) does seem to inadvertently rule out their use in dwelling units on 40A and 50A branch circuits.

Now does "dwelling unit" encompass the garage? Does it depend on whether the garage is attached?

Cheers, Wayne
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