NEC 2020 Code change 230.85

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Senior Member
Aspen, Colo
NFPA appears to have added emergency disconnects into the mix for one and two family disconnects. The requirements for this equipment is:
1 - all service conductors shall terminate in disconnecting means. Same as 230.70(A)(1)
2 - installed in a readily accessible outdoor location.
The emergency disconnect can be the service disconnect, and as long as a nonfusable disconnect is used, the drop/lateral remains as service conductors. I am using the NFPA "NEC 2020 Analysis of Change" to help with creating a code change course for contractors during this Covid-19 shut down.
The wording NFPA AoC authors us for the NFPA 2020 NEC code statement "installed in a readily accessible outdoor location." is -- "installed & located on the outside of a structure." I cannot find anywhere in the NEC that an accessible location related to service disconnecting means has any distance restriction from a structure or even to mounted on the structure.
Further more if the intent is to have a disconnect on the structure, most likely it would be fused becoming the service disconnect, & feeders would enter the building.(in most cases).
Does anyone know in the NEC where it states the service disconnecting means has to be mounted on the structure or has a restriction to a lateral distance away which would eliminate the disconnect as the structure disconnect.
It does not seem very clear to me either. But with the practice of many coops that require the meter and disconnect at the edge of the property I think this will become the accepted practice in those areas.
I can’t see it being required to be “on” the structure as it would then be out of compliance on a mobile home.

Around here this change isn’t going to be too big of a problem on mobile homes and apartments with gang meter enclosures. They all have the breaker in them.
on a larger house will be another issue, as hardly anyone uses a combo panel on a house. Here I see more of the “disconnect only-not service equipment” option being used.
Here we pretty much have the POCO & fire dept require a disconnect exterior on or obviously close to the building. Just chaps me a bit that NFPA would interpret different from code they wrote - If you want it on the building say so in code articles not in opinion references.

I would comment mobile home is in chapter 5 which can modify chapter 1 thru 7, so a specific requirement would rule.
Does anyone know in the NEC where it states the service disconnecting means has to be mounted on the structure or has a restriction to a lateral distance away which would eliminate the disconnect as the structure disconnect.

No language saying it needs to be on the structure...or within any specific distance of the structure.

I would comment mobile home is in chapter 5 which can modify chapter 1 thru 7, so a specific requirement would rule.
Exactly. That’s why I dont think it should read “on”.

ive been searching for a thread we had here a while back(This year) posted by Dennis Alwon regarding this exact section. I can’t find it yet, but it was a pretty exhaustive discussion regarding this subject.
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