NEC 210.26(E)1(b) Foreign Systems

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Look at the last sentence of 110.26(E)(1)(a). I think your answer is there.

Welcome to the forum.
as I understand it, if you have no choice over where other things such as sprinklers, waterpipes, etc, have been put above your electrical stuff, then you must do something to protect your electrical stuff from these Foreign Systems... Basically saying that we are not allowed to put our stuff under those systems, but if we come back and find the stuff put in our spaces, then we must protect the panels from any leaks etc...

Still means that in any new install we have the requirement to make sure we do not allow stuff in our electrical reserved space but if somehow it gets done anyway we have the duty to protect our stuff.
But, someone with better knowledge than me will tell me where I misread it.
Adam, I think you might be missing one important detail (or at least your post did not mention this detail). The prohibition against foreign systems above panels is for the first six feet above the top of the panel. If the panel is installed already and someone runs a pipe above, and less than six feet above, the panel, then something must move. You can't resolve that by simply adding a drip pan to protect the panel. The first six feet above the top belongs to the electrical installation. Put a pipe seven feet above the top of the panel and then install a drip pan, and you will be in compliance with code. Move the pipe so that it is no longer directly above the panel, but is instead above the working space, it will be OK, as long as it is at least 6'6" above the floor. That could be the easiest way to resolve a conflict.

Please note that the "dedicated equipment space" rule only applies to four things: switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, and motor control centers. These are the only items that once installed could undergo a future modification to add more conduits. I believe this is the reason for the rule. It is not just about protecting the panel from drips, it is about leaving room for installation of future circuits.
but when you read the section about foriegn systems in the handbook it specifically goes into the protection by drip pan, etc... after stating the six feet above rule...

Which to me means that if I rough in my electrical , which in concrete is a load of work, and I come back to pull the wire and find the hvac guy has crossed over my panel or the plumbing guy has crossed over my panel in the space I am supposed to have as electrical clear area... I install stuff so any leaks etc is moved outside my area... I don't try to find a way to move my panels... because all the conduits are buried in the concrete already and it is very expensive to move a panel.
I understand that you are describing a difficult situation. I agree that moving the panels is no longer an option. I further agree that inserting a drip pan makes the situation better - not code compliant but better. But bear in mind that you will eventually have to pass an electrical inspection, and that the inspector may well issue a violation against your installation due to the presence of pipes within 6 feet of the top of your panels. The Certificate of Occupancy may well be delayed because the electrical inspector cited a violation related to your installation.

I would make noise as soon as I discovered the piping above my panels. Complain to the GC, put it in writing, and demand a written acknowledgement. Don't wait until you get the violation before trying to convince the world that this is not your fault.
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