NEC 210.52(h)(3)) Hallway outlets

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Fort Collins
If you have a "L" shaped hallway with a total footage of 23ft. one side of the "L" is 11ft and the other side is 12ft. Do you need to put in two receptacles or one? Hallway also has three doors on side, a one door on the other side.
As long as you don't pass through a doorway along the 23' of hall, you only need one receptacle outlet.
Had a different inspector come out today, and he was not sure why the other inspector wanted an additional outlet in the hall. lol. Also with that being said, mainly because I can't seem to find it. Is there a code stating an outlet every 10ft in a hallway? I've heard of the recommended practice but can't seem to find it? any help would be nice.

Thanks everyone
Had a different inspector come out today, and he was not sure why the other inspector wanted an additional outlet in the hall. lol. Also with that being said, mainly because I can't seem to find it. Is there a code stating an outlet every 10ft in a hallway? I've heard of the recommended practice but can't seem to find it? any help would be nice.

Thanks everyone
For dwellings, hallways 10' or longer need at least one outlet. 210.52H. That's the only rule I know.
Always hated hallways where I wanted an outlet to plug in the vacuum cleaner and couldn't. My old walk-in closet was far enough from the nearest outlet and I needed to run the cord into the bathroom.
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