NEC 210.62 Show Windows

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210.62 states that we must have one receptacle within 18" the top of the show room window for each 12 linear ft of show window.

Does this mean we need this receptacle mounted in the ceiling? Seems like a waste to mount all of these receptacles in the ceiling vs mounting them in a floor box.
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There is nothing stopping you from having them in the floor but you would need them over the window also. I guess most lighting is from above.

It does not need be in the ceiling as it could be on the wall. Not sure why it must be a receptacle outlet rather than an outlet.
No one says you can't have a recepacle(s) there in the baseboard. In most cases it will be covered up with displays, public seating, or a plant! In most cases with modern design of strip malls, its an all glass facid with no consideration for power at all. Ask any the LV Tech and door security about a glass wall with a door...

Floor space in any business including resturants is usually at a premium, and yes they know their desired profit/ratio in most cases to the square or per table or even per seat depending on whats offered.

Sounds a little loopie to have a power wipe floating by a patron in a window booth.

It's just a very convientant outlet for powered displays, from the ceiling, and maybe for the neon glowing "OPEN" sign...
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