NEC 210.71

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Denver, CO
Electrical/Lighting Engineer
For reference the section I wondering about reads "
(2) Floor Receptacle Outlets. A meeting room that is at least
3.7 m (12 ft) wide and that has a floor area of at least 20 m2
(215 ft2) shall have at least one receptacle outlet located in the
at a distance not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from any fixed wall
for each 20 m2 (215 ft2) or major portion of floor space."

The specific meeting room I am designing requires (5) boxes. The floor is existing. The owner of the space I am working in does not want to core drill into the space below. Does a surface raceway like "Connect Trac" meet code? I certainly think it meets the intent. My concern is it reads "in the floor" which to me means recessed. Perhaps I am reading too much into it but asking in case somebody has some experience with using a surface raceway to meet this intent.
Given that it must be "located in the floor at a distance not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from any fixed wall" I would assume that they want it in the floor to prevent tripping. If the area below is inaccessible you can always chase the floor in chop in floor boxes.
Turns out they will accept a surface product like Connecttrac. At least this jurisdiction. However I think I agree, had this not been a rush because of a failed inspection and instead was part of the design I would have specified recessed floor boxes. Because I interpret "in" literally as you seem to as well Infinity.
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