NEC 220.53 - 75% demand to 4 central water heaters


Senior Member
Working on a 14 unit multi-family residential project, which will have central hot water via four 4.5kw (each) heat pump water heaters.

These water heaters will be located in a community mechanical space in the basement.

Question is, can I apply the 75% demand factor allowed by 220.53 to these heat pump water heaters?

It does say:
It shall be permissible to apply a demand factor of 75 percent to the nameplate rating load of four or more appliances rated 1∕ 4 hp or greater, or 500 watts or greater, that are fastened in place, and that are served by the same feeder or service in a one-family, two-family, or multifamily dwelling

My service calc. is ultra close and the 75% demand would actually make big difference if I can use it.(new transformer vs. no new transformer needed)\

I don't see why not personally. Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
If the water heaters were located in four of the 14 units there would be no question that you can take the 75% diversity. I would use the 75% factor in the overall service calc, but not in the house panel feeder sizing calc.