NEC 220.86 School Calculations

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Senior Member
Northeast, PA
Electrical Design
After completing the calculations per 220.86 what is the end result to be used for. The load to use to calculate the service size? It says 'the calculation of a feeder or service load.' So if that is the service load I can use that to determine the service size.

Lets say for example after doing the calculation the result is 1.5MVA and the service is 277/480V 3 phase Wye

1,500,000 / (480 * 1.73) = 1804A So this is the minimum service size? In other words a 2000A service is required.

Maybe I am over thinking this but thought I would get some opinions.

Thanks for the replies.
Modern school rooms are built to trap heat like a green house, with commercial HVAC units dedicated to remove heat from each room.

Would be surprised if load is below 2000 Amps with all that HVAC bringing down power factor ~ 0.9

1,500,000 / 480 / 1.732 / 0.9 = 2,005
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Earth sheltered architecture, and natural ventilated buildings reduce HVAC requirements, but schools never caught on.
I agree for everything that is customer owned, but the utility gets to do what ever the heck they want.

Who hasn't done a service calculation and specified 600KCM service conductors, only to see the utility connect them to a 75 KVA xformer? (I may be exaggerating slightly, but not a lot.)
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