NEC 240.24 Panel Over Stairs

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Senior Member
I have a residential project where in order to keep the electrical panels above "Flood", they need to locate the panels within the LANDING of a stairwell. To me, this almost seems as though it could be a violation of 240.24 (F); "Overcurrent devices shall not be located over steps of a stairway". This section does not elaborate much and it seems as though this would likely be up to interpretation of the AHJ. It seems as though it depends on whether someone would consider the Landing a wide "step" as you do step on to it.

Any opinions?
I have heard of inspectors who question this but if they understand why this section was put into the code then they may accept it. The only reason this section was change so that it would be safer fot the electrician to work on the panel. As long as you have the clearances then the install should be fine
I am the chief of an AHJ in Oregon. If it is over a landing, not a stair and has NEC 110.26 clearances it's cool. Never hurts to make a phone call, believe it or not we are not here to jack people up.

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