When it comes to other piping, [NEC 250.104(B)] what does the term ?likely to become energized? entail?
AHJ..."Is that piping likely to become energized"
Me..."Nope, all the wiring here is done 100 % to code"
Jim,Offering my normal explanation:
The NEC style manual tells code authors to use the Merriam-Webster dictionary to determine meaning of word not identified in the NEC.
The common dictionary definition of "likely" used in this NEC context is "probable". While "possible" is also a valid definition, I feel it is not "likely" the one the code authors intended.
Based on panel comments that say "likely to become energized" is the same as "may become energized", I think that "possible" is the intent.
Based on panel comments that say "likely to become energized" is the same as "may become energized", I think that "possible" is the intent.