NEC 430.21 and definition of factory-assembled

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My company designs and builds custom equipment as an OEM including the electrical control panels. Many of these panels have large DC drives which consist of multiple individual components that must be wired together to create a working DC drive system. There is currently an internal discussion on the proper sizing of wiring within our panels. I contend that table 310.16 applies, others claim that table 310.17 can be used, while others claim that we do not have to follow article 250,300,or 310 at all because of article 430.21. Regarding 430.21, the point of contention seems to be the phrase factory-assembled. What is the NEC definition of factory-assembled? Is any panelshop a "factory"? I believe intent of the NEC means to say that factory-assembled only applies to manufacturers such as Allen-Bradley, Square D, ABB, and perhaps UL 508A listed panelshops. What defines whether a panelshop is a factory or not in the eyes of the NEC? Can these panels be considered "Motor Control Centers" and thus meet 430:21? As a panelshop, what would be required to fabricate panels that would be considered "factory-assembled"?

I wholeheartedly agree. However, article 409 references article 430 which brings me back to the original question. Or are you saying an industrial control panel by definition is not classified as factory-assembled? If so, how can I prove it? Again, I am trying to prove to my boss and other engineers that we do not meet the intent of the code in 430.21 which allows you to ignore Articles 250, 300, & 310 in factory-assembled control equipment.


It is my opinion that your company, as a manufacturer of ICP, needs to be a UL508A

panelshop, IMO, your company needs to follow 409.110 and (1) in particular, Manufacturer's

name, trademark, or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the

product can be identified.

In my mind that statement is the " factory-assembled " qualifier, 'the organization respon-

sible for the product'. The wiring internal to the ICP is not under the control of the NEC,

that being said, 430.21, Motor Circuit Conductors, would only pertain to the premise wiring

therefore irrelevant to your product. Steve, I am by no means an authority on this, but it

is how I see it.
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