- Location
- olympia, washington
Hello all
I was asked to look at this disconnect on the roof. it serves a HVAC package unit which I have put the name plate on here so you can see what it says. This is a non fuse 400amp horse power rated disco. Fed from the basement with a 350 amp breaker.440.21 General
The provisions of Part 3 specify devices intended to protect thebranch-circuit conductors, control apparatus, and motors in circuits supplyinghermetic refrigerant motor-compressors against overcurrent due to shortcircuits and ground faults. They are inaddition to or amendatory of the provisions of Article 240.
Whatdoes this mean?
Wherean air conditioner is listed by a qualified electrical testing laboratory witha nameplate that reads “maximum fuse size,” the listing restricts the use ofthis unit to fuse protection only and does not cover its use with circuitbreakers. If the air conditioner hasbeen evaluated for both fuses and ordinary circuit breakers or both fuses andHACR-type circuit breakers, it is marked to indicate the acceptable type(s) ofprotective devices.
This is out of the 2014 hand book. I called the manufacture to see what they require. They said if I bought this HVAC package unit from them then they would have sent a fuse disco with it. but if field wired they would say do what ever the AHJ says. As you can see there is a rope holding this disconnect from falling over because the roof support no longer is holding it in place. If we were going to have to go through the work of replacing the disco I wanted to make sure we put the right one in. 440.12 (B)(2) exception: a listed unfused motor circuit switch, without fuse holders, having a horsepower rating not less than the equivalent horsepower determined by 440.12(B)(1) shall be permitted to have an ampere rating less than 115 percent of the sum of all currents. does this code allow the disconnect installed now to be ok? or does it need to be a fused one? also the bottom of this disco has all the KOs busted and the conduits just stick in the disco.
Any thoughts on this?