Nec 501.15(e)(1)

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Senior Member
Brooklyn, NY
The above section seems to have a discrepancy. It starts out by explaining cable seals. But then it states:

The sealing fitting shall comply with 501.15 (B)(1).

NEC 501.15 (B)(1) pertains to conduit seals. How do we go from cable seals to conduit seals? How does one comply with the other?:confused:
The above section seems to have a discrepancy. It starts out by explaining cable seals. But then it states:

The sealing fitting shall comply with 501.15 (B)(1).

NEC 501.15 (B)(1) pertains to conduit seals. How do we go from cable seals to conduit seals? How does one comply with the other?:confused:

They are simply saying that the terminations required at enclosure entries for cables have the same requirements as conduits.

Please take a course in Codese.:smile: It's only slightly more difficicult than Mandarin.


Senior Member
Retired after 40 years as an electrician.
I'm not an engineer....and I care more about the thought, than the spelling. So I'll still give you a hand from the field end, because I have a lot of time in classified spaces (oil patch).

Cables in the field (classifeide areas) have to be rated. Normally CLX, or MC-HL, gets a fitting like a TMC, or TMCX fittings, vs something like a seal-off, which is what we use for conduit.

Hang around a day or two, and we can give you some help in codeology :)
I'm not an engineer....and I care more about the thought, than the spelling. So I'll still give you a hand from the field end, because I have a lot of time in classified spaces (oil patch).

Cables in the field (classifeide areas) have to be rated. Normally CLX, or MC-HL, gets a fitting like a TMC, or TMCX fittings, vs something like a seal-off, which is what we use for conduit.

Hang around a day or two, and we can give you some help in codeology :)

When the cable enters an explosionproof box a seal-off is also required. The conncector in that case serves two porposes:
  • to appropriately terminate the cable
  • to 'seal-off' the enclosure, eg. to contain an internal explosure.
If the seal-off function is not available in a termination fitting, you need to install a separate fitting for each purpose, first terminating the cable and second sealing the single conductors.

TC and TC-ER cables are also commonly used in ClassI, Division 2 areas, which is the widest aplication area.
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