NEC 700.10(D)(1) - Emergency feeder

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Senior Member
If the emergency generator locates indoor and we want to run the overhead feeder from generator to main emergency distribution panel (located in another room) and meet NEC 700.10(D)(1) without using concrete encased method, are there any products out there that meet the two hour fire rating wiring requirement per code? Thank you.
Also does feeder of 3 branches of essential power system in hospital need to comply with this rule?
Anyone knows?
Take a look a Vitalink MC Cable

Also MI Cable is an option.

Draka has a 2 hour rated cable but I think its only listed 2 hours in a vertical application.

Is the room sprinkled? Install the feeder under the sprinklers. That's another option

Joe Villani

I have a hard time believing MC cable is 2 hour rated, but it looks legit. The referenced UL assembly even states vitalink:
It might have to still be protected in some sort of EMT or other allowable raceway based on 517.30(C)(3)

MI cable is listed in in 577(C)(3)(1). MC seems to need protection unless

(3) Listed flexible metal raceways and listed metal sheathed
cable assemblies in any of the following:
a. Where used in listed prefabricated medical headwalls
b. In listed office furnishings
c. Where fished into existing walls or ceilings, not otherwise
accessible and not subject to physical damage
d. Where necessary for flexible connection to equipment
It might have to still be protected in some sort of EMT or other allowable raceway based on 517.30(C)(3)

Yes, for a hospital unless one of the exceptions in the previous post apply.

Also does feeder of 3 branches of essential power system in hospital need to comply with this rule?
Anyone knows?

Yes, I would think so. I've always considered the exception for sprinklers to apply in most hospitals 700.10(1)(1). However, I've noticed the 2017 Handbook adds a commentary note that states that if the feeders are installed above a suspended ceiling, the area above the ceiling must also be sprinklered!!

That's a new one!! I'm not sure I agree with that interpretation, but I guess I'll be following it from now on.
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