Morning njpowers2! I can help you out here, but to understand it you need to follow the paper trail logic first. First, look at the building code (IBC) definitions, specifically "Fire Area", "Inside" and "Outside". Fire Area will show that a buildings fire area is inside a building with an exception for roof overhangs in certain instances and inside/outside will be pretty clear. Once you establish you are not "inside" a building for your exterior generator feeds you follow the NEC for outside branch circuits and feeders (Article 225). Article 225 does not have any references to fire resistive ratings and therefore it's not necessary. Now once you enter the building other rules apply. NEC 700.10(D) allows for several different ways to achieve a 2 hour fire resistive rating. Of those, one is fire resistive cable systems and another is building assemblies that have a 2 hour rating. There are others but those are the ones you are concerned with. Keeping in mind that only 1 must be met to achieve the rating. I believe you are entering the building into an electrical room which should hold a 2 hour rating on its own. If so, that room is an "assembly" and the room holds the rating so the items inside don't have to. Rooms are listed as thermal barrier systems (XCLF) and described in the UL Guide Information for Electrical Equipment — The White Book. So, if your outside a building and entering the structure into a 2 hour fire rated do not need to use Fire Resistive Cable Systems and can use regular building wire for the entire circuit.
To add more info just in case your AHJ has concerns on it, I'll add a bit more. Article 728 (Fire Resistive Cable Systems) will override all other NEC articles should a conflict occur (728.3). Installations under 728.5 says:
Fire-resistive cable systems installed outside the fire-rated rooms that they serve, such as the electrical room or the fire pump room, shall comply with the requirements of 728.5(A) through (H) and all other installation instructions provided in the listing.
So when inside those rooms, it's not necessary! Then we have the actual controlling document when installing fire resistive cable systems which is a UL document called an FHIT XXX. 728 references the "listing" a lot and the FHIT XXX is that systems listing, in essence an FHIT must be followed per 728 which overrides the rest of the NEC or simply, follow the FHIT to the letter. In the UL published Guide Info for these systems it says:
These systems are intended to be installed in interior environments with representative heating and air conditioning, unless stated otherwise in the individual system.
There is not 1 listed FHIT system that states anything about being outside a building (nor Article 225) which again confirms they are not necessary outside.
So in your case, being outside and entering a fire rated electrical room would negate the need to use fire resistive cable systems and I would recommend you use regular wire and save the money.
Hope this helps!