NEC-700.3(F)-Temporary Source of Power

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Senior Member
Hello everyone,

I have a situation where we have a stand-by generator with two breakers; one breaker feeds standby-loads and the other dedicated for the fire pump. My question, would the fire pump falls under the requirement of section 700.3(F) as far providing a permanent switching means to connect a portable or temporary alternate source of power if the generator was off line for maintenance or repairs? I believe it does but would like to hear other opinions. Thanks,
You mention standby generator but the code section you cite is from emergency p systems
It makes a huge difference if the generator is a 700 or 701 system
You mention standby generator but the code section you cite is from emergency p systems
It makes a huge difference if the generator is a 700 or 701 system
it's emergency standby (Level 1), not standby loads. The emergency lighting is powered by a stand alone inverter system.
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