NEC 725.136

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We are trying to fully understand NEC 725.136. Specifically when it comes to the wiring inside a control panel 725.136 (D). We have conduit coming into a panel that is 120 volts (Class 1). We also have, 2 inches away, conduit with 24 voltage cable (Class 2). These both enter the cabinet, with 2 inches separation, and then "cross" over each other with maybe less than 1/4 of an inch. If it is less than 1/4 then that would be a code violation. If more than 1/4" then we should be ok 725.136 (D)(1). Here is a link to a photo (not sure how to insert the photo in the post)...
Is this a UL 508 listed control panel, if so the NEC does not apply, but the 508 rules are similar. Can you route the 120 that comes in and goes down, up and over. Use a divider in the panduit wireway if needed
Allow me:

It looks like you can easily push back on the wires going down from the upper conduit. If they won't stay back, insert something behind the lower (middle of three) bushing.
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