NEC 800.44.C Overhead Communications type cable attached to above the roof raceway

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Dennis H

9051 Saint Clair Hwy, Casco MI 48064
Retired Telecom Engineer
I have been noticing the work of an electric coop which has entered the telecom area. They are building, as many are, an all fiber broadband network to support their customer base. They have been attaching their fiber aerial drops to their above the roof raceway mast on which is terminated the electric service for the dwelling. I believe this is incorrect per section 800.44.C. I am not looking to get anyone in trouble but just trying to better understand if this is an acceptable practice. I worked in Telecom Engineering for 37 years and am retired but I want to try and keep up even if I no longer do the work. LOL! We did not allow our installers to attach to a meter riser. Thank you and I hope I am not wasting anyone's time. Respectfully submitted,

Dennis Hock
If they are a utility, the NEC doesn't apply to them per Article 90

Any other cable company is a utility also. When I worked for them, we prohibited our installers from attaching to a service mast per the NEC. If the NEC didn't apply to us, who else would be attaching cable and telephone drops to a service mast?

And what about grounding? Used to be that an installer just pounded a 3/8" by 4 foot ground rod and called it a day. By your thinking they could get away with it still.

After reviewing this last evening I think I see what you are both saying.

So the NEC section 90 says that the NEC does not apply to utilities. So therefore section 800.44.C does not apply to the utility. But I understand the NESC does apply to utilities. Hwowever I don't see anything about comm drops being hung by the electric utility or its broadband division. At least I don't see anything in the NESC.

I realize this is not a forum for interpretation of the NESC so I will leave it at that and again say thank you I think I better understand it now. Take care all.
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