NEC adoption and Al wiring #12 and larger

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I am doing research on the use of aluminum branch circuit wiring.

The NEC permits the use of Al wiring #12 and larger. I found a map of the states which have adopted the NEC.

My questions are:
1. Can those states that adopt the NEC also have a state/local rule which does not permit Al #10 and #12?
2. Does anyone know a way to find out which jurisdictions have banned the use of #10 and #12 branch circuit wiring?
3. How I can found if aluminum branch circuit wiring has been commonly installed since the 1970s publicity alerting the public of the dangers associated with aluminum wiring.

Thank you.
1) Yes.
2) No. Unless you ask them all individually. But I would make an educated guess that most jurisdictions have done so.
3) Ask the CPSC.
I have never seen an amendment for NC that will not allow #12 or #10 for branch circuits however, you will never find a supplier that stocks it.
I will go so far as to say that those size wires in aluminum are not even manufactured anymore.
3. How I can found if aluminum branch circuit wiring has been commonly installed since the 1970s publicity alerting the public of the dangers associated with aluminum wiring.

Thank you.
Actually the aluminum 15 and 20 amp wiring that was installed prior to 1973 or 74 is the issue. The aluminum alloy was changed and the CO/ALR devices were brought into the market in 73 or 74. The new wire and devices do not have the problems that the older stuff did.

As far as I know, because of the poor reputation of small aluminum conductors of the older type, #12 and #10 aluminum conductors are not on the market at this time and I don't think they have been since the early 80's.
...........As far as I know, because of the poor reputation of small aluminum conductors of the older type, #12 and #10 aluminum conductors are not on the market at this time and I don't think they have been since the early 80's.

#12 al. is still in the NEC (310.5).

#14 al. was in there until 1975.
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