NEC article 110.26.(C)(2)(a)

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Plese refer to attached images.
We believe the installation of the 2500 amp 480Y/277 volt siwtchboard is compliant with NEC article 110.26(C)(2)(a): " Where the location permits a continuos and unosbtructed way of egress travel, a single entrance to the working space shall be permotted"
There are 42" clear in front of the switchboard and 36"clear behind the switchboard. The egress path in front and behind the switchboard is completely unosbtructed.

Cold Fusion

Senior Member
way north
So what are we looking at in your first picture?
1. Is the switchboard the 3 section, 11' x (slightly less than) 3'?

2. If so, what is the larger rectangle around the swbd - the rectangle that is within a foot of the wall on the right side? A house keeping pad?

If so there appears to be a few pieces of equipment in the 42" clear space:
DMMNG(?) Rack

The first questions I have are:

1. Who is saying they don't like it?

2. What are they giving for a reason?

Second, the only comment I would have is usually the only time I see 110.26.3.C.a used is when the the door is directly behind a worker standing infront of the swb.

I believe the code issue is to give the worker an escape route that is either short (two doors), outside of the 42" clear space (twice required depth), or directly away from the swbd.

Design philosophy question: If what you are showing is acceptable under 110.26.3.C.a, then what situation would require 110.26.3.C.b?


tom baker

First Chief Moderator
Staff member
I wouldn't allow the use of condtion (a) as you have to travel thru the working space of the equipment if you are in the opposite end, IE with a fireball by the door you are trapped, so I don't call it "unobstructed".
And in Washington we have a state rule that would not allow condition (a) to be used and it requires more working space than the NEC
And of course you'll need outswinging doors with panic hardware on the e room and the double doors adjacent to.

You don't state if you are the designer, AHJ or installer. Consider this from the point of view of an electrican, would you like to work on it?


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
I think I would have to go along with Tom on this one. If you had 7' on both sides I might reconsider it, but you could get trapped back there in a corner the way it is now.
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