NEC Conduit Depth

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Maricopa, AZ USA
Hello All,

I'm burying future conduit and posted about that earlier. Thanks for the responses. The question I have is as follows:

The main panel is mounted to the side of the house. 21 inches away from the side of the house, a new concrete pad will be poured to fill in the side of the house where there is an RV gate. The length of this pad is about 40 ft. and 9 ft wide. The area between the house and wall is 10 ft. wide. I know that under a concrete pad, PVC conduit needs to be buried 6 in. below final grade. Outside of the pad, PVC needs to be 18 in. deep and before 6 in. from reaching the end of the concrete pad.

Can I use rigid metal conduit, since it only needs to be 6 in. in ground even if there is no concrete above it, extend 6 inches past the end of the concrete, transition to PVC under the concrete, and then transition back to rigid metal conduit at the end of the run before it comes out from under the concrete?

I can post a drawing if this doesn't make sense. This will need to be inspected by the city

I'm sure your EC will know what to do.

With that said I am closing this thread and I hope your project goes well.

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