nec handbook 2011

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I just purchased the NEC 2011 handbook, and I thought I remembered reading on the forum that their was a free subscription, provided in the back of the book for a free online subscription. Does anyone remember this, or know how to go about doing it? Thank you :)
I think that is only for the NEC NFPA 70 - 2011.

The download will be available till December this year, I asked the other day and they confirmed that.
The ones I saw in the bookstore only had the free download in the back of the regular code book, not the handbook. I quit buying the regular code book in 1996 and just use the handbook instead. Yeah it is heavier but in comparison to the rest of the stuff I have to juggle it is nothing.

Also, I do not have enough confidence in the performance of the NFPA PDF to make me want to buy a code book just for their PDF version that may just cause me to throw something at my monitor. If I want to use their version on the computer, I'll just use their online version.
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