NEC Handbook grounding pictures vs 300.14

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The NEC handbook (yes i know we only are supposed to use the code book) has pictures diagramming ECG's coming into the box directly to the ground screw not using 6" of length. (See NEC Handbook Exhibit 314.3 on page 306) I know this example was not intended to show a ground screw application but my co-worker insists because this is in the Handbook it must be a correct procedure. He pointed this out to me and I have used this back with some old school guys but I don't feel comfortable going right to the ground screw with no slack. I believe you should always have enough slack to incorporate any future situations. (Every one knows what it's like to deal with 1" of wire in the stinks) Any code related backing (i.e. 300.14) that supports running to the ground screw with no slack or is it just me overdoing it? Oh, buy the way, he also says that if the picture is wrong someone should let the NFPA know.


Senior Member
Re: NEC Handbook grounding pictures vs 300.14

Exhibit 314.3 shows a uncut ground wire extending 6" from the cable sheath, I believe that makes it code compliant. If the wires were cut shorter than 6" then spliced it would be a violation. It is a common practice to cut ground wires shorter than 6" then splice them to a jumper extending to the device I belive that is a violation of 300.14.

Note how the ground wire in the exhibit does not cross itself under the ground screw so not to damage it.



Senior Member
Re: NEC Handbook grounding pictures vs 300.14

So what if it goes to the ground screw first it is uncut and still provides 6" of wire to work with. If 6" of slack was left then tied to the ground screw that 6" would not be usable anyway.
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