Re: NEC Handbook Voltage Drop Formula
Sorry about that.. I didn't realize you guys might not have the handbook. The 2002 NEC Handbook formula for AC Voltage drop is as follows:
Zc = (R x cos A) / (XL x sin A)
Zc = impedance (from Table 9 in the NEC)
R = ohm per 1000ft (Also from Table 9)
A = angle representing the power factor which is figured by getting the arc-cosine of the powerfactor.
This formula gives us the ohms to neutral
You take that value and find the line-to-neutral voltage drop with the following formula:
Voltage drop (L-N) =
Circular length / 1000ft x circuit load
(I've seen mentioned elsewhere in this forum that the term 'Circular Length' might be a mis-print and that you're supposed to use the length of the circuit one way)
Then you take that value and figure the line-to-line voltage drop with the following formula:
Voltage Drop (L-L) =
Voltage Drop (L-N) x SqRt of 3
This is the basis of my question.. What do I do in this step for a single phase circuit? I know there are easier ways to figure Voltage drop but my boss is insisting I use this method.. even though he can't answer my question about the single phase formula.