NEC pocket guides

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Senior Member
Re: NEC pocket guides

i have yet to see an '05 version, but I have both the "resi" and Commercial versions of the '02. They aren't too bad. All the '02 contained was what they deemed relevant sections for most installs and all the tables.

It doesn't even hold together as well as the full size softbound code book, but it is a lot smaller. It's also hard to find things in, and if you're gettin to the stage you need reading glasses...forget it ;)


Senior Member
Re: NEC pocket guides

Did someone say reading glasses I would show you mine but I can`t see where I left them,hard enogh to see my full size never mind a pocket book .WHERE`S MY HELPER READ THIS :roll:


Senior Member
Re: NEC pocket guides

I have the '05 resi-version.
I am NOT impressed (I'll keep it for the tax write off and maybe to start a fire with).

IMO, the writing is so small it borders on useless - even the NEC went to the "Reader's Digest Large Print Edition" :D .

I am now waiting for a book by Stallcup, Mullin, O'Riley, etc (I don't think Mike has one). Hopefully current editions will soon appear at amazon.

If anyone has any other favorite technical authors, please add them.


Senior Member
Re: NEC pocket guides

George Washington that`s an insult His son maybe :D Started in this trade a snivvley kid of 16 in 73 .DO THE MATH :D

rick hart

Senior Member
Dallas Texas
Re: NEC pocket guides

Pocket had to get me started.
They are good for only one purpose: a quick reference for a person that has spent some time with their nose in the code book.

All too often I get into it with an electrician that believes that what is in the little card, pamphlet, what have you is all there is. I can't tell you how many times I have seen motors, welders, etc. conductors sized to the over current device. When I point out to them about the modification to the first part code in the remaining 3/4 of the NEC that allows them to use smaller wire, they look at me like I'm some sort of penny pinching miser that wants to burn down the installation.

Same thing with the bolt-in panels that also permits(for lack of a better word) the installation of the snap in version of circuit breakers. Not mentioning a brand here because I don't want to give anyone any ideas. grrrrr
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