NEC Requirement for Service Loop Inside Residential Transformer

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General Contractor
Is there a NEC required length to the service loop inside a residential transformer? I'm having my house meter upsized to accommodate a shop at my house and they were 10" short, so they'll have to pull new wire to the tune of $1300 ($40/lf).

The "service loop" for the feeder at the transformer was around 12", if you even want to call it a service loop.
The last 200-to-400 upgrade I did, the POCO chose to make splices in the ground in front of the meter instead of inside the meter base. In other words, they did not upsize the underground conductors.
I can understand why they don't want to splice service conductors, likely they have had issues. But a splice inside the transformer vault, IMO would be acceptable as its accessible. But in the end, its their conductors and rules. As pointed out, the NEC doesn't apply on the utility side of the service point, which is probably the meter.
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