NEC section 353

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Why is HDPE conduit not allowed above ground?

Who says it is not allowed above ground? The 2008 NEC has added 353.1210(5) but that just appears to me to help clarify the existing code. Being as I never have used this stuff I am really just guessing. Maybe the bump up will help get other responses.

353.10 Uses Permitted.
The use of HDPE conduit shall be permitted under the following conditions:
(1) In discrete lengths or in continuous lengths from a reel
(2) In locations subject to severe corrosive influences as covered in 300.6 and where subject to chemicals for which the conduit is listed
(3) In cinder fill
(4) In direct burial installations in earth or concrete
FPN to (4): Refer to 300.5 and 300.50 for underground installations.
(5) Above ground, except as prohibited in 353.12, where encased in not less than 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete.
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