NEC Table 300.19(A) and Medium Voltage Cable

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Senior Member
Does NEC Table 300.19(A) apply to 15kV medium voltage cable? NEC 300.2(A) on Limitation of voltages isn't super clear to me. My jurisdiction is under NEC 2017. Thank you in advnace for your help.
see 300.2 methods are for 1000v and less. there are specific provisions for over 1000 where permitted in the code (Part II starting at 300.31)
There are some differences.
But does part II address vertical routing and associated cable support requirements like Table 300.19(A) does?
On my 4160 it has the same or similar support requirement’s but I did not build this building. The only new construction medium voltage work I have done was inspected by the utility prior to it being energized the local inspector just signed the card.
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