Question in short:
Does the NEC tap rule allow a feeder tap to supply more than one OCPD?
Question in more detail:
240.21(B)(2) requires that taps under 25 ft terminate in a single circuit breaker or a single set of fuses.
However, this requirement is not present in 240.21(B)(1) for taps 10 ft or less.
So, I assume that taps under 10 ft can feed multiple overcurrent protective devices, given that the conductors are sized based on the combined loads?
For example, a tap from a feeder to a circuit breaker which is connected on the line side with another breaker using the same wire size as the tap conductors and using double wire ferrules, thus creating "one" whole tap conductor.
Does the NEC tap rule allow a feeder tap to supply more than one OCPD?
Question in more detail:
240.21(B)(2) requires that taps under 25 ft terminate in a single circuit breaker or a single set of fuses.
However, this requirement is not present in 240.21(B)(1) for taps 10 ft or less.
So, I assume that taps under 10 ft can feed multiple overcurrent protective devices, given that the conductors are sized based on the combined loads?
For example, a tap from a feeder to a circuit breaker which is connected on the line side with another breaker using the same wire size as the tap conductors and using double wire ferrules, thus creating "one" whole tap conductor.