NEC Work Space Grounded Surface

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Senior Member
Baton Rouge, LA
I have an Industrial Enclosed Outdoor Generator. There is a transfer switch facing it. I believe the space between the generator enclosure (metal) and the tranfer switch door would fall under condition 2 of 110.26(A)(1) for determining required work space. The transfer switch being the live parts and the generator enclosure being the grounded parts. The opposing view is that it falls under condition 1. I can't understand how a metal object sitting on concrete would fall under condition 1. Am I missing something here? I'm new to dealing with generators in this regard. Thank you for any assitance.
I would say that you are exactly right.
The metal parts of the generator and/or enclosure must be considered grounded.
Or are they arguing that the live parts of the transfer switch are effectively insulated? Not when you are working on it they are not....
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