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So far, this thread is not electrically related. Is there a question or relevant comment in the offing that we can have a discussion about? :cool:
Isn't NECA the national electrical contractors association??

Why the "mad face". Is there something you aren't telling us:confused:

Well I also attending the NECA Trade Show, and was going to comment on the innovative products I saw:
1. Fluke has a DVM that is waterproof, had one operating in a fish tank.
And they have a DVM that the display detaches, IE put it outside a MCC and observe the energized readings via Zib-Bee wireless.
2. Mad Dog tools have a drive bit that can drill thru a file. Another bit drills around a corner.
3. A wire stripper that removes the jacket and insulation from NM-B leaving bare copper.
4. A nice SS power post for exterior recpts that does not require a bubble cover
5. A company that makes an attachment for a portaband to make it like a chop saw, neat for cutting strut
6. Werner has an electricians ladder, hooks for holding conduit, hooks for holding wire reels, and a tool tray that holds tools.

And a lot of products to comply with Arc Flash.
Well worth my time!
Well I also attending the NECA Trade Show, and was going to comment on the innovative products I saw:
1. Fluke has a DVM that is waterproof, had one operating in a fish tank.
And they have a DVM that the display detaches, IE put it outside a MCC and observe the energized readings via Zib-Bee wireless.
2. Mad Dog tools have a drive bit that can drill thru a file. Another bit drills around a corner.
3. A wire stripper that removes the jacket and insulation from NM-B leaving bare copper.
4. A nice SS power post for exterior recpts that does not require a bubble cover
5. A company that makes an attachment for a portaband to make it like a chop saw, neat for cutting strut
6. Werner has an electricians ladder, hooks for holding conduit, hooks for holding wire reels, and a tool tray that holds tools.

And a lot of products to comply with Arc Flash.
Well worth my time!

I can see why resistance is never mentioned free food :grin:
I can see why resistance is never mentioned free food :grin:

Not only that, I felt like they didn't want specific people there. My first impression was very bad!!! I'm not sorry to say I have to judge them based on the first person (and a second and third) I spoke with. The day I went was on the 12th, and the show floor wasn't ready yet. I registered (Most ignored me on the initial approach. Also, they seem surprised I was on the list) but I haven't returned, due to their distinguished attitudes!!! I was hoping to go to the Solar Power training class, but the floor wasn't accessible. I'm going to respect this site, so I'll just say it was a learning experience!
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Sorry you didn't enjoy it. If you do decide to give it a try again, pre register and have them mail you all your passes, much easier. My biggest problem was the opening night reception and lack of service. I enjoyed the trade show, I would have liked to see some other power tool manufacturers, Milwaukee kinda ran the show. I thought most of the seminars were informative and the Opening session and closing session speakers were amazing. As for the arrogance in the air? It's a shame some people don't remeber where they started.
I'm going to respect this site, so I'll just say it was a learning experience![/QUOTE]

Self importance is the problem. The same thing goes on here. You have a lot to learn about this site. Respect, responsibility. Isn't that the religion of the US?
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