Need 1PH 120V from a 3PH 240V 100A Delta Service (no Neutral Point). Stuck?

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New member
I have a 3PH 240V Delta 100A service at 20 percent capacity and a 1PH 60A service that is near capacity. What, if any, are my options for energizing 120V 1PH appliances from the Delta service?
Delta to Wye transformer seems to me like the way to go but I have to ask: Can I safely use the neutral from the 1PH service and a leg from the Delta to get my 120 1PH?
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If I have misjudged the situation, if for example this project is related to your work, then send me a Private Message. If you can show me that I am wrong, and that you are a licensed electrician (or at least a licensed apprentice), then I will reopen your post, and offer an apology for the delay and inconvenience.
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