Need a breaker cover square D

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New User
Jacksonville Florida
Can anybody point me in the right direction were I can find a cover for my breaker box... PANELBOARD INTERIOR COVER CAT NO.......QON30-40MW200-1. SERIES L8. 31 1/2×15 1/2. thank you
I believe that is a product no longer made and you would need to find a used one somewhere or have something custom made to fit.
Find your local Square D distributor and ask them. If it’s out of production, it may be possible to have one custom made by Square D, but it’s expensive. Last year I had to get two covers for 33” cans that are no longer made, and Square D charged about $400/ea to build the new covers.

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Find your local Square D distributor and ask them. If it’s out of production...

The cover for the panel in the OP has been obsolete and out of production for some 30 years. The manufacturer does not offer a custom one.

The original cover part number would have been a QOC40MW200S for surface or QOC40MW200F for flush mounting.
I would contact an electrician and see about replacing the panel... Good Luck...

Jim I can't believe you still have those numbers saved somewhere--LOL
The cover for the panel in the OP has been obsolete and out of production for some 30 years. The manufacturer does not offer a custom one.

The original cover part number would have been a QOC40MW200S for surface or QOC40MW200F for flush mounting.

I wonder if it might be easier and less costly to convert to an Eaton renovation panel. They offer interiors & covers for many cabinet sizes.

I think square D only offers a renovation panel with a new cabinet.

Did that original square D panel have the vertical MCB?

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Did that original square D panel have the vertical MCB?

Yes it did.

You can renovate any interior that physically fits and is acceptable to your AHJ. The box, cover, and interior are all separate listings.

The problem is this is a load center not a panel board so the interior mounting will definitely need to be field fabricated.
I have bought closest fit newer loadcenter cover before and made modifications to it to make it fit.

Their issue will be with the MCB opening if they do have a MCB. If not, then yeh I think they could likely make a newer cover work.

I don’t know if you can easily retrofit a newer load center bus if that is what will be required. I know it has those plastic tabs that drop into the can slots but I can’t remember if it also has any holes above the tabs that can be used to run a screw through.

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I don’t know if you can easily retrofit a newer load center bus if that is what will be required.

One issue will be if you need to meet the current wire bending space requirements. Side space is okay, at 14" wide, but in 1985ish the space requirements for the incoming lugs and for opposite the incoming were both increased. The UL space requirements are based on the maximum wire that can fit into the lug, but for retrofit applications, an AHJ may accept the space based on the existing conductors.
One issue will be if you need to meet the current wire bending space requirements. Side space is okay, at 14" wide, but in 1985ish the space requirements for the incoming lugs and for opposite the incoming were both increased. The UL space requirements are based on the maximum wire that can fit into the lug, but for retrofit applications, an AHJ may accept the space based on the existing conductors.

You’re referring to the height of the cabinet?

Something else that just occurred to me; if this is an MCB load center, it’s likely the feeder conductors won’t reach the lugs on the newer QO2200 breaker as they’re probably 3” lower than vertical main.

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You’re referring to the height of the cabinet?

The overall height of cabinets was increased in the mid-80's. Luckily, for me, I have never found this to be an issue with the AHJ. Of course, there is the problem you mentioned if the new main breaker lugs are in a different location.
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