Need a little Help

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I am working on home where we need to move the meter. Its a 320 service and I was wondering if any of you have seen a remote meter? Something I could put in the existing service and the new location would be a monitering area. basiclly I need to move the meter and the poco wants it outside the new garage. Any help would be appreciated. Wireless meter????? :D :D
The existing meter is outside but the new work will have that wall inside.
Fairly common scenario.

In almost all these instances what the poco wants the poco gets.
Ask nicely. Someone there might see a remote reader as a practical solution.
But don't count on it.
LarryFine said:
No doubt the POCo wants the ability to pull the meter if they have to.

Yep - as it is their preffered method of denying you service when the bill is not paid. (Since they don't install dicsonnects for every building)
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