Working on a residence which had a meter attached to the transformer about 40 feet from the house. First means of disconnect is at the main panel in the house.
From the meter to the house is a three wire without an equipment ground.
We just installed a new meter/main with overcurrent protection next to the the transformer to replace old meter. First means of disconnect is now at the new meter/main therefore we plan to separate grounds and neutrals at the main panel in the house and make the ground-neutral bond in the new meter/main.
What I am wondering about is if the three-wire feeder to the house without a ground is Ok? Or do we now need to pull in an equipment ground?
From the meter to the house is a three wire without an equipment ground.
We just installed a new meter/main with overcurrent protection next to the the transformer to replace old meter. First means of disconnect is now at the new meter/main therefore we plan to separate grounds and neutrals at the main panel in the house and make the ground-neutral bond in the new meter/main.
What I am wondering about is if the three-wire feeder to the house without a ground is Ok? Or do we now need to pull in an equipment ground?