Need an NEC reference please (I-Line Panel)

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One of the people I work 'with' removed the interior panels of an I-Line Distribution Panel Today. He is trying to combat overheating which is causing a 400A circuit breaker to pop at only 300As.

Disregarding the fact that the CB probably needs to be replaced...

I need an NEC reference that shows you can't remove the metal panels inside an I-Line (or any CB Panel Box) and keep it like that while its energized.

I've been looking for about 30 minutes now and I can't find it for the life of me. I don't deal with the NEC very often so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)
This might fit your description:

110.12 Mechanical Execution of Work.
Electrical equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner.
FPN: Accepted industry practices are described in ANSI/NECA 1-2006, Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting, and other ANSI-approved installation standards.
(A) Unused Openings. Unused openings, other than those intended for the operation of equipment, those intended for mounting purposes, or those permitted as part of the design for listed equipment, shall be closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment. Where metallic plugs or plates are used with nonmetallic enclosures, they shall be recessed at least 6 mm (? in.) from the outer surface of the enclosure.
Also the panel board is supposed to be enclosed .. this was Ul listed I assume ? Are you saying you can touch live parts ? if you are,. this guy needs a dope slap IMO.
408.38 Enclosure. Panelboards shall be mounted in cabinets, cutout boxes, or enclosures designed for the purpose and shall be dead-front.

There is an excetion but I doubt it applies as your panelboard was designed to be dead front . So hes's got a fan blowing dust and dirt in there too I suppose...
That NEC article is only one reference.

OSHA would have a field day with them.
If they came there would be very high fines.
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